Monday, March 15, 2010


This weekend was such a successful weekend for me. I did a lot of things that made me feel very accomplished but i had to throw in a little fun in there because after awhile, i got really bored. First, on Friday, i left after school ended and i took Alyssa home, then i drove home and watched some "Full House." Later on that night i got a call from Alyssa, saying she wants me to go to the movies with her, Cole and Dujon. Alyssa picked me up from my house and she drove, that was not a good sight, and then we were on our way to the movie theater in Orange City. When we got there, Cole and Dujon were already waiting for us in front of the ticket booth. We really hadn't decided on what movie we wanted to see, but we paid for "Alice In Wonderland", but we snuck into "Cop Out."

We wanted to see "Cop Out", but it was a Rated R movie, and since we didn't have an adult present with us, we couldn't get into the theater, so that's why we bought "Alice In Wonderland" and then when "Cop Out" was about to start, we just left to go see that one. The whole movie was hilarious, it was about these cops who lost something really valuable, and in order to get it back, they had to go through these obstacles. It was really funny, and entertaining. Then after the movie had ended, we had sat outside the theater until our rides had come to pick us up. Once Alyssa's mom had come around the corner to pick us up, we had left. Then after a short while, so did Cole and Dujon.

On Saturday, well that was a very successful day for me, because the following Saturday is my birthday and I'm turning 15. I really want my permit, so in order for me to get my permit, i have to take a test, but before i can take that test, i have to take a "Drug And Alcohol" test. The test is 4 hours long, and it felt like way more than that. I sat in my room the whole day with my mom taking it. You have to read so many passages and take little quizzes before you can take that actual test. You can't move forward either until the time is up. The time for each paragraph was about 25 to 30 minutes long. They make it timed so that way you have to read it and you actually learn it. After starting it at 2 i finished at 8:30. That was way longer than 4 hours and i was completely exhausted. So i decided to go to bed.

On Sunday, i was not aloud to go anywhere until i finished my OR Projects for Mrs. Schaffer. She has us do 3 book reports every 9 weeks, so that way we can broaden minds and vocabulary. It is really hard because we get to chose from a sheet of paper what kind we want to do, but you have to do a different one each time. All of them include a lot of writing, i did the Poem with 1 page summary, 2 page character development, and the 6 diary entries. I did the books, "The Notebook", "My Sister's Keeper", and "The Lovely Bones". Those are all really good books, that i recommend to anyone.

As you can see, my weekend was very successful, i got plenty of things done and although it took a lot of work, i am very relieved, and I'm happy that i got it done. This weekend, i went to the movies, took my "Drug And Alcohol" test and even finished Mrs. Schaffers OR Projects.

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