Monday, March 1, 2010


This weekend had been a very interesting one. I did plenty of things to keep myself occupied. To start off with, on Friday i had to work a game. I'm an athelic trainer, which means that when a game is occuring, i have to attend it, in order if someone may to get hurt. After school we have to go the training room to set up the game that we have to attend. We, the trainers, have to make ice bags, make sure the kit is stocked and bring water bottles and towels. We have to prepare ourselves for any possible thing that could happen at a game. If someone were to get hurt, we would have to know exactly what to do in whatever postion that we were put in. So, i had a track meet Friday after school. So when i got out of 7th period i had to head straight to the training room, where i made ice bags, stocked the kit, and brought a towel. Since it was a track meet, i didn't have to bring a towel.

When i had gotten to the game, it was four and i knew that track meets can last up to five hours, so i had already knew that i was going to be there for awhile. I had to work the game with Stephanie, who is a rookie so i had to teach her the things that we have to do along the way. As it started to hit seven, i started to become really tired, so i told Stephanie that i was going to leave because i had been told that it was not going to end until some time around ten. So i had gotten home, got subway and went straight to bed. I had already been sick so the weather was not helping my cold that i had since Thursday.

On Saturday, my cold had gotten a lot worse. I woke up at ten feeling like i couldn't move so from ten till nine at night, i layed on my couch all day. I watched Full House for the couple hours that it had been on for, then after that ended, i went on myspace for a little bit just to keep myself occupied, since i was running a 99.6 fever. I really didn't feel good but my sister wanted to get me out of the House so that i may feel a little bit better, but i told her no because i just wasn't up for it. I was really sick and i just couldn't get motivated to get up off the couch.

After Saturday came and left, Sunday had begun. Sunday, i was feeling better but not completely. So at ten, i decided to finally get out of bed and start my day. My sister had told me that she wanted to get me out of the house, once again. Since i was feeling better, and my weekend had basically came and gone, i decided that i might as well go out for a little bit. After a few hours being out of the house, i started feeling better and better. At noon, my sister had taken me to Olive Garden, my favorite place! I was really happy that she had done that for me, and i was feeling better so i was starting to become really hungry. After we had eaten, my sister, wanted to go to the movies, so we headed to the theater and the movie we had wanted to see, "Dear John" was not playing until 6:45. So we decided to go to the Kohl's plaza where we just looked around for the time being. But since the movie didn't start till 6:45, we just went home. Then after being home i got on the computer and started talking to Levi.

I was on the computer for awhile talking to Levi. We were talking about how he wants to be on the varsity baseball team. And i was encouraging him to try out for varsity. Then we were talking about how many of our friends, such as Alyssa and Ashley, will be going to University High next year. Then he had told me that he too will possibly be going there also. Then he said that he was going for pizza and would be back or brb like he had said and he never signed back on. So today, Monday, we are still fighting about how he didn't sign back on. Now I'm just doing Alves lame Monday blogs.

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