Monday, April 5, 2010


Over Spring Break, i did many things that i enjoy doing. First off, Friday night Alyssa and I went over to Stephanie's and watched the Twilight series. But only Twilight and New Moon are out so we had a movie night with junk food. We ate salt n vinegar chips, cookies and chex mix. We stayed over Stephanie's house until midnight and then i went home. On Saturday my sister and I went on over to Carla's house, a person that my sister works with. We had gone horseback riding on one of her horses for about 2 hours.n We learned how to get them to obey commands and fun stuff like that. On Sunday, my mom and sister had to work, so my dad and I had gone out to Wal Mart and went grocery shopping because my cousin was coming Monday. Then we went out to lunch. We had gone out to Texas Roadhouse, which is a fairly new restaurant and we loved it. I got chicken fingers with a Cesar salad. It was really good, then we had gone home and i watched the Full House series all day.

On Monday, my cousin was coming down from my hometown, Miami. I couldn't wait for her to get to my house because we had so many things planned to do together. But as usual, she was running late so i had to wait until she got to my House. she left her house at around 3pm and got to my house at like 7pm. When she finally got to my house, it was already too late to go something, so we had to wait until the next day.

On Tuesday, my Aunt, cousin, me, my mom and my sister had gone out to lunch to meet my sisters fiance for lunch because he was on his lunch break. So we had gone to Chik Fil A. We had a lot of fun and then we went to go shop. We had gone to Bealls. We were in Bealls at 2pm till 5pm. We spent a lot of time at Bealls. I had gotten myself a Guy Harvey shirt. I got a hot pink one and it was a girls fit instead of getting the men's. Then we had gone back home and spent the rest of the setting myself up with a Face book.

On Wednesday, we finally made it to the beach! Of course, we didn't leave until 1:30pm because my aunt is so slow moving and can never get on the roll. So we made it to the beach at around 2:15 pm and spent the day just laying out in the sun and relaxing because we all needed it. Then we started to get hungry, so we went to Breakers. It is a seafood place right on the beach and i got fried clams. It is so yummy! Then at about 6pm we decided that we got enough sun and that it was time to leave.

On Thursday, we had gone out to meet our aunts and uncles at their beach house and go out on the boat and fish. Of course, i didn't catch anything but we still had a lot of fun. Then we decided that it would be fun to go kayaking. So we went on the 2 person kayak and it was really scary because we on his lake with gators and what not. Then my uncle Jason caught an eel and then i decided that was enough kayaking for me. Then we all went out to eat at PJ's, which is also a seafood place but i got a buffalo chicken wrap. Everyone else got seafood, but it was so good.

On Friday, we meet my sisters fiance's family at the beach. It was so much fun because he has little brothers and sisters and it was a lot of fun to play with them in the water. Their names are Bri, Tommy and Lizzie. They are so adorable and so funny. We had gone into the beach water and played volleyball, which was so much fun. Then we got hungry, so i made myself a turkey sandwich with some cheez its. Then they had to leave because the little kids cant get too much sun, they we left like 3 hours after they had.

On Saturday, it was time for my cousin to leave because Spring Break was almost over. We had once again meet my sisters fiance at Chilli's for lunch. I had gotten a chicken Cesar salad. Then we had to go back home because they needed to go back home because they needed to pack and get on the road. Then after they left Sunday came along. It was Easter! We all colored eggs and had a big dinner with all of our family over. It was a really good day.

Now, its Monday and we back at school sitting here writing this blog. I wish it was still Spring Break but its not and we have school. I had myself a great Spring Break and now its over. Now i have to do the virtual business paper.

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