Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The article "Title IX" is about how many men discriminate against woman playing any kind of sport. It also talks about one woman, Edith Green, who changed this discrimination forever. She protested and took this to court. She believed that just because we are woman does not mean that we can't do the exact same things as men do or as good. It talks about how in some colleges they will accept every man but not woman.It also talks about the ratings of woman playing sports now because they are letting us now. Title IX is the name they gave for woman to play in sports and not to be discriminated anymore. It's also a certain law. No it's not fair because just because we are woman does not mean that we can't do half the things as men do. Woman are just as good and deserve to have the same chances and accommodations as men. It could be discrimination by limiting woman's rights to college sports because men have it. If they limit the rights for woman they should limit the rights for men. If they don't do it to both they shouldn't do it all. Just because woman might not be as physically fit as men, we can still do just as much. In my opinion, I believe that it's not right to discriminate against woman in anything because we are all the same just different on the outside and all deserve the same fair shot. In conclusion, woman get discriminated because we are woman and men don't because the law believed that it was okay.

It has changed by, now the law is strict about the title IX. They strictly enforce it now and believe strongly in it. Before, not everyone was for it, but now everyone believes that it's the right thing to do considering that it does matter how people are treated no matter what they are. Since then girls and woman have benefited from more participation opportunities more equitable facilities in athletics. Woman who are under the age of 10 when title IX passed have much higher participation rates than woman who grew up before title IX started. Most high school and college sports have increased also. It will be much higher rates than before and will come further than it already has. More playing opportunities and more funding for woman athletes. It will have much higher ratings and more woman will be playing in sports than before Title IX started and even when it first came out. In conclusion, the Title IX will be in much higher provoking than before it started and more woman are starting to join in sports to themselves and prove woman can also do it, not just men.

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