Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Over the past year, many things have changed that have changed me for the better. Things have changed in my life that have not only helped me learn about things, but also changed my life. These things include, going into the EMS Academy, joining Athletic Training, and becoming friends with Alyssa Jones. All of these things have changed me for the better, and made me who I am today. I wouldn’t be anywhere with where I am now if it was not for these three things. I appreciate all of these things and know that I will still have them in the long run.

When I first started off high school, I was not sure what track I would like to go on, but my brother and sister had told me about the EMS academy, and right when they had explained to me what it was about, I knew that was exactly what I wanted to do. Joining the EMS Academy was probably the best thing I could have ever done because it made it clear to me that this is exactly what I want to do in life and there is not anything else that I would rather do in life. While being in the EMS Academy, I’ve realized a lot of things that has helped me out with deciding what I want to do in life. While being in the academy, I have realized that I want to be an EMT and drive the EVAC, then to go get me degree for becoming a Pediatrician. If I had not joined the academy, I would have realized what I truly want to do in life or be who I am today.

While being in the EMS Academy, I also learned about Athletic Training. I joined training because I had thought it would help me out with my medical track in life. Athletic Training is an after school community service ordeal. You can tape people who are hurt, give them ice, learn about injuries and even get to see an injury go down and see the whole treatment and how you do it. I love training because it has not only helped me meet many new people who will be my friends for many years, but it has also helped me get even more encouraged about going into the medical field and pursuing my life as an EMT or Pediatrician. Training has helped me become what I want to be, and it also has helped me get the most community service hours in the freshmen/sophomore class. It has really helped me, and will still help me while pursuing me career.

Well, where do I start? Alyssa Jones is my best friend, and I have no idea where I would be without her. She has made me the person I am today. She always pushes me to do my best and even helps me out with a mega crisis, and she never lets me down while helping me. Alyssa has helped me through school, whether it be tutoring me, or just even pushing me to do my best. She has been there for me this whole year, and without her I probably would not be who I am today. She has taught me so many things and she is my best friend in the whole world and I do not know what I would do without her support, love or even motivation. Alyssa Jones is my absolute best friend and she will always be there for me no matter what.

In conclusion, you can tell that these three things have really changed my life over the past year. Without these I do not think I would know what I want to do in life, or even be the person I am today. While this past year has almost come to an end, I am grateful for the things that I not only have accomplished, but also just even open my eyes into what my life holds for me ahead. I don’t think I could have made it through my first year of high school without these three amazing things that have happened to me, and I know I would not be who I am today.

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