Wednesday, June 2, 2010


This past weekend I stayed at Westgate Resort & Spa! This was done because we stayed with my sister's finance's family, to have family bonding time. It was such a fun weekend because I had many things to do, and everyday I had something new to do everyday. I got there Friday, stayed Saturday, went to Aquactica on Sunday, and stayed half of the day on Monday and came back home.

First on Friday, I did not go to school because we left around 11p.m. and i had to pack and get everything in the car and everything together before we left for Orlando, because that was where the resort was located. So, I packed my bags and got the snack bags, cooler, and my bag together while my mom was packing up the car. Then, after we had gotten packed and everything was in the car, we left for Anthony's house, my sister's finance, and we just waited around for everyone else to get ready so that way we can follow each other down because my family did not know where the resort was. Then when we got to the resort, we unpacked and got settled into the room and went straight down to the pool. Then we stayed up till 1 playing games.

On Saturday, I woke up at 7 because i had not wanted to sleep my whole day away because when I stay somewhere on vacation I do not like sleeping in because then it would just waste the morning away. When i had woken up i put on my bathing suit and went over to Anthony's family's room because they had made breakfast. They made bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, and cinnamon buns. They also had apple juice, and orange juice. The breakfast was really good, then we went down to the lake to rent a paddle boat. I got onto the boat with my brother and we started paddling down the lake and he had tipped me over and I had not been wearing my life vest. Then for lunch we made hamburgers and hot dogs, then we went down to the pool and had a fun time. Then for dinner we had made ribs and pasta. Then in the rooms we had a jacuzzi in our room and after we had dinner we all got in it and over flowed it with bubbles. Then we had all gone to bed early because we had to wake up at 6 to go to Aqucatica the next morning.

Then on Sunday, i had woken up at 6 because we all had to get up because we were going to Aqucatica, which was 15 minutes away from our hotel. But we had to wake up so early because if you buy your tickets online you can get into the park an hour early. So we had gotten there at 7. We went on every ride and we got a food pass so we can eat all the time whenever we want. One of the rides, Omaka Rocka, i had fallen out of the tub and came down the slide without it. It was so much fun and we did not leave the park until 5 p.m. we had all been so burnt. By the time we got back to the hotel, we all passed out for an hour or so then went down to the pool.

On Monday, i had woken up at 8 because we got a late check out for the last day, at 3. I had been so exhausted from the day before from Aqucatica so i had slept in a little bit until my alarm had gone off. Then when I woke up I had gone to the pool until about 2. Then I got up to the room to pack up the food, drinks, and our clothes. Then we headed out for the day to come back home. The weekend had been so much fun, and the Westgate Resort & Spa is a really nice place, i would love to go again.

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