Monday, May 17, 2010


This upcoming week I have quite a bit of things to do that I need to successfully finish. First, today Monday, I have to go to tutoring for math during my lunch hour. Then, after school I have to go to football practice till about 6 or 7 then I have to go home and do plenty of homework. I have to finish my DNA test corrections for Mrs. King’s class and then I have to start on Mrs. Schaffer’s 3 book reports. I also have to do more for my book work for Mr. Alves because it is due Tuesday. Then I have to do some math homework and some extra credit for my D in Spanish. Then I’m going to go to bed and start over my whole Tuesday. On Tuesday once again I have to go to tutoring for math because i have a 55% in that class. I also have to do more on Mrs. Schaffer’s 3 book report projects. Then off to football practice once again.

On Wednesday, I have to do the same thing over again but I will be going to Spanish class for lunch instead of going to my math class because I need to average out both of the classes and put in about the same amount of time into each class. I will go to Spanish class and make up a vocabulary test and a grammar test. These test I failed and I need to re-take. Then I have to go to football practice and stand out there until about 7 and then I will go home and do more homework and more of my project. Then Thursday I will be going to math tutoring after school for a little bit and then go to football practice, and on Friday I will go to math tutoring during my lunch hour. This way I put fourth quite a bit of my time for math so I can try and successfully pass it. Then Friday night Alyssa, Vika, Taylor Klein, Jazmin, and I will be going over to Rachael's to spend the night.

While we are over Rachael’s will be pigging out on food that her dad will be making us, he is making hot wings with blue cheese, nachos, pizza, and strawberry cheesecake. Then we will most likely go swimming in her pool then watch a couple of movies. Then on Saturday we will hang out all day then I will be leaving at around 2p.m. to go home and do more on my book reports. This way I will be able to finish my projects with a reasonable amount of time that it is due on June 4th. Then on Sunday I will be getting a pedicure with my sister and then I will go back to school on Monday and start over the same week again. Then on Memorial weekend I will be staying at Westgate Lake Resort and Spa with my family and my sister's finance's family that way we can get family bonding time. We will be staying there Friday; I won’t be coming to school on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. But we will be leaving on Monday night. On Saturday we will be going to Aquatica. All my weekend and weeks for the next two weeks will be completely full and I will have like no time to relax.

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