Monday, February 8, 2010


My everyday schedule is very hectic. I have many things that go on in my life that it is very hard to keep up with anything anymore. I will start off with my everyday morning. When i wake up in the morning at 6:05, my alarm is blaring and my song is "Cowboy Casanova." Then i finally roll out of bed and immediately turn on my "Chi", a hair straightener. Then i put in my contacts and brush my hair then head to the bathroom to do my hair. My usual time it takes for me to straighten my hair is around 15 minutes. Then when I'm done with my hair, i head to the kitchen and make my lunch. Which has been the same since the beginning of the year, a turkey sandwich. Then i eat a banana everyday for breakfast too.

Then i go to the living room and watch "Full House," i watch that every single morning because it wakes me up in the morning. Then when i am done with eating and watching my favorite show of all time, i go into my room and pick out what i would like to wear. That usually takes me around 10 minutes because i try on one thing then i don't like how i look in it, so i have to try on like 20 other different things. Then, when i am done figuring out what i think looks good, i put on my make up. Putting on my make up takes around 5 to 10 minutes on an average day. Then i go to wake up my mom to take me to school, then i put on my perfume and deodorant. I get my turkey sandwich out of the fridge. Then its off to school!

When i get to school, the late bell rings and then i show up Mrs. Kings class. When i get to Mrs. Kings class i put my lunch in her fridge which is in her back room. Then class starts, from there on out i have to work real hard to keep my grades up. Mrs. Kings class is fairly easy, but then its off to Mrs. Schaffer and her class is a killer! We do more than necessary i there, then Mr. Alves here we come! I love Alves class, he is so funny and always makes the work fun. Although we found out he is liar we still love him. Then Spanish, ugh I'm never ready for that class. It is so annoying in there, she always says that we are going to have an easy day but it never works out that way. Then lunch, yummy! Turkey sandwich here i come! Then algebra, that class would have to be the hardest class, i suck at math so it is extremely hard in there for me. Then Ms. Brewer and i love her class! We are like homies, and i love being able to just get all my energy out during P.E. Then its intensive reading. Ugh, unfortunately i have to be in that class. Then off to the training room!

I love this part of my day! The training room is so much fun because i get to see all of my friends, and i get learn more and more everyday about medical stuff. I usually have to work almost every other day, and although it is a lot of fun, it is very tiring. When i work, i don't get home until 9:30 or 10. But i still love it. Then when the game is over, or i don't have to work, i call one of my family members who is off work to come get me. Then i go home, eat and do homework, so that way i have the rest of the night to relax or watch TV. Then i go to bed and my whole schedule starts all over again. That is the exciting life of Caitlin!

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