Monday, September 28, 2009


The article "The Impossible Drama?" is about students that go to college that can barely pay tuition, clothing, phone bills or car insurance. The students are working so much and a lot of them are working over time that they can barely find time to study, and the just drop out. The students work too many hours to even think about studying that most of them end up with a D by the end of the college semester. So many kids are having to work their way through college because the economy is so bad that the parents or guardians can't pay for their tuition or books that they students have to pay for it all. They have to work over time to pay for only tuition and books and don't have enough money for anything else important. They can't even find to time to study.

The financial aid is going up so high that students are unable to pay for it. Almost every year the financial aid goes up at least 69%. The financial aid is getting so bad that students are able to keep up the loans that they have to quit college and still have to work on paying it off. And they also have to worry about making enough money so that when they go back into college they won't have to worry about working they can just focus on studying. The most important thing that can be done to lower the dropout rate is to lower the rates for going to college. The dropout rate is 1922-93, 65%.

How I plan on paying for college is first of all try and keep my grades up as high as I can to try and get Bright Futures. I will also try and get a Scholarship so that way I can focus on my studies. I will also try my hardest to keep up my GPA average so that I will be able to get a student loan so that way I won't have to worry about paying off my loans so much. In my opinion I think that the college rates to take a year of class is ridiculous. It's not right to make students pay that much and score low grades because they don't have enough time to study because they are trying to focus on getting enough money to stay in college. In conclusion, the paying rates for college should be lowered so that students will be able to actually study for their classes instead of failing to pay off loans.

Monday, September 21, 2009


When i grow my dream job would to an EMT/Paramedic. I'm already in the Health Academy and an Athletic Trainer. I love Health related things, and seeing certain accidents or seeing someone badly hurt and me having to help them. It a real thrill to see those types of things. You just want to be right in the middle of all of it and help out or do whatever you can for that person so that you don't lose them. I love to watch those shows like Trauma or anything on Health Discovery. Health related things attract my attention and I love to see somebody pinned in a car accident or somebody got their leg blown of while trying to cross an intersection.

Being in the Health Academy gives me a really big advantage to being in the Health field. I learn a lot of new things and I get taught all Health relations. We have to wear our uniform every Tuesday to look professional, because being in any kind of field or career you always want to look professional or represent your team in a good way. Everyone in the academy wants to go into the Health field so we all know what we want to do so it makes it a lot easier to work with them and the teacher can point us in the right direction. We learn everything Health related, so it's a lot easier to work with someone who knows what they want to do rather than someone who would slack off because they aren't sure on what they want to do.

I also have another advantage. I'm an Athletic Trainer and HOSA. Being an Athletic Trainer i get to wrap someone up if they are badly hurt or i could just give them ice if they sprained and ankle. I'm out working as an Athletic Trainer till 6:30 or 7:00. So I'm usually at school for 12 to 13 hours. Its very tiring but well payed off because I learn a lot of new things and get to see many injuries or just get to learn how to do certain things that I would have to know as an EMT. I'm also in a program called HOSA. Which is Health Occupations Students Of America. We go to nursing homes and help out elderly people many different advantages.

Monday, September 14, 2009


The article "An Upscale At Wal-Mart?" is about the sales made and the popularity of the store. It tells us that Target and Wal-Mart are competing. It talks about how Wal-Mart is trying to lower their everyday prices so that more income will come in. They are also moving around the store to make everything more noticeable. They even lowered everything more to the ground so that more things could be higher for people to want and notice.

Wal-Mart is doing many things to upscale. They are lowering prices and moving the merchandise. They are also lowering prices because now Target is in the middle of the upscale. Wal-Mart and Target are now competing for the loyalty from the customers. Wal-Mart is upscaling in many different ways. I think it will work because everyone is already going to Wal-Mart for certain things so when the prices lower even more people will be going to Wal-Mart now.

In my opinion i think upscaling is a good idea of Wal-Mart. It will help out not only the customers but also the workers. Lowering the everyday is a good way to go for Wal-Mart. In conclusion, Wal-Mart upscaling their store and moving the merchandise to make the customers look around.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The article "Reebok deals up in the air" was about profits. It was a debate about different shoe company's wanting to sponsor the pro leagues. Such as, NFL, NHL, MLS and MLB. The shoe company's were Adidas and Reebok's, who were contemplating on who should sponsor the pro league. If Adidas and Reebok combine their company's, it would help costumers a lot. It could give them more opportunity's and choices.

If Adidas make a move to be the brand name associated with the leagues as part of a strategy to position Adidas and the premier performance brand. But even if it doesn't make that move, the sale of Reebok will necessitate amended agreements with the leagues. It's a good thing to combine the two company's according to the article. As stated, "When we talk about the collegiate licensed business, we have the licenses, but Reebok has the skills to produce, to be fast on the market, which we haven't used to the maximum potential. So combining the two, will give the pro leagues choices and each company has it's on advantage.

Reebok also owns more company's other than Adidas, they own 29. All combined together, including NFL, NBA, NHL, MLS, and MLB. Owning multiple company's has it's advantages and disadvantages. Having multiple is a good thing because it gives the costumer's many different choices and opportunities. It gives them an advantage to many different things. The disadvantages are that one company might be liked more than the other. It also could mean that one company could be taking over the other.

My opinion in all of the debating, it that it's a good thing to combine two different company's because it gives a lot of advantages to the costumers. It means they get a lot more sponsors. In conclusion, it's a good thing to combine, it gives a lot more opportunities than, just one company sponsoring. It helps out the costumers a lot.